Group leader
Dr. Tapan C. Adhyapak
Reach me at: adhyapak [at] iisertirupati.ac.in
Current members
PhD students
Ambareesh Shrivastav (I-PhD, 2018 - present)

I completed my B.Sc. (Hons) in Applied Physics from the Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi in 2018 before joining IISER Tirupati as an Int.PhD student the same year. I am passionate about working on exact analytical solutions for the most complex physical systems out there. Currently I work on hydrodynamics of microswimmers in a confined fluid. I study the interesting and surprising microswimmer behaviors that result owing to confinement. My interests apart from research are nature photography, chess and music.
Read more about my work here.
Reach me at: ambareesh [at] students.iisertirupati.ac.in
Derek C. Gomes (I-PhD, 2018 - present)

I joined IISER Tirupati in 2018 as an Integrated PhD student in the Department of Physics. Prior to joining IISER, I did my B.Sc in Physics from St. Xavier's College, Kolkata. My current work aims at understanding dense suspensions of flagellated microswimmers (for e.g E.Coli ). I am working on a minimalistic microscopic model of microswimmers suitable for dense suspensions. I employ Stokesian dynamics simulations to understand the movement and interactions among the model microswimmers.
Read more about my work here.
Reach me at: derekgomes [at] students.iisertirupati.ac.in

B. Vignesh (PhD, 2020 - present)
I have completed my graduation in engineering from NIT Trichy . I joined IISER Tirupati in 2020 as a PhD student. I am studying the locomotion and collective dynamics of flagellated bacteria. I am interested in creating realistic theoretical models to understand experimental observations as well as probe into aspects that are not easily accessible to experiments.
Read more about my work here.
Reach me at: bvignesh [at] students.iisertirupati.ac.in
MS Thesis students

Chinmay A. Pabshettiwar (BSMS, 2017 - present)
I completed high school and pre-university education in Pune. I am currently pursuing a BS-MS Dual Degree (2017-2022) from IISER Tirupati. Broad research interests are Active Matter Physics and Complex Systems. Ongoing MS thesis research deals with the dynamics of colloidal dispersion in active nematics. Previously worked on numerical analysis of rigid-bodied microswimmer near a wall. Also explored a bit of Robotics and Microcontroller programming in the pre-university project. Apart from these, I like to have hours-long discussions on various topics, including Foreign Affairs, Emerging Technologies, Politics [may join someday].
Read more about my work here.
Reach me at:
chinmayajaypabshettiwar [at] students.iisertirupati.ac.in
Project students
Summer projects:
Jishnu R. (BS-MS 2018, IISER Tirupati)
Aryan Patel (BS-MS 2019, IISER Tirupati)
Abhinaba Saha (BS-MS 2019, IISER Tirupati)
Gokul Suresh (BS-MS 2019, IISER Tirupati)
Past members
Summer projects:
PSVR Maneesh (BS-MS 2017, IISER Tirupati); currently: MS Thesis student, Chem., IISER Tirupati